Find the buffer with Chinese name

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We can find the buffer with Chinese name efficiently by using the first character of pinyin.

Here is the code (ivy and pinyinlib is required):

(defun ivy-switch-buffer-matcher-pinyin (regexp candidates)
  (unless (featurep 'pinyinlib) (require 'pinyinlib))
  (let* ((pys (split-string regexp "[ \t]+"))
         (regexp (format ".*%s.*"
                         (mapconcat 'pinyinlib-build-regexp-string pys ".*"))))
    (ivy--switch-buffer-matcher regexp candidates)))

(defun ivy-switch-buffer-by-pinyin ()
  "Switch to another buffer."
  (unless (featurep 'ivy) (require 'ivy))
  (let ((this-command 'ivy-switch-buffer))
    (ivy-read "Switch to buffer: " 'internal-complete-buffer
              :matcher #'ivy-switch-buffer-matcher-pinyin
              :preselect (buffer-name (other-buffer (current-buffer)))
              :action #'ivy--switch-buffer-action
              :keymap ivy-switch-buffer-map
              :caller 'ivy-switch-buffer)))

You can M-x ivy-switch-buffer-by-pinyin to switch buffer.

The algorithm of pinyinlib is simple. We build a big lookup table to convert the a plain English string into a regular expression containing Chinese characters.

You can apply the same algorithm to other non-English languages.

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